At the same time, considerable attention was paid to the legacy of PayPal, the inextricable connection of the old design with the new. The main goal was to adapt the icon to all sizes of displays – from mini-screens to large flat monitors. In 2014, the global system decided to change the logo again and turned to Fuseproject for help. The ends of the lines looked like brush strokes. To connect directly with the brand name, the designers made it based on two “P” connected by legs. To do this, she took a round element resembling a coin and placed the “$” sign in it. Of course, the money company PayPal first decided to experiment with the dollar symbol.

Since 2002, the financial and debit service has been subordinated to eBay, which has made it its division. Its headquarters are located in San Jose, California. It focuses on paying bills, shopping, and transferring and receiving money transfers. PayPal is one of the largest electronic payment services, formed in the United States in 1998. They were limited by a high level of consumer confidence in the existing image of the payment system. Developers could not dramatically change the appearance of the icon that people look for every day on web pages or in the list of applications. Such conservatism is associated with the problem of brand continuity.

Over the many years of the brand’s existence, it has been updated only a few times while maintaining the same style. The PayPal logo is conditionally permanent.